It would be nice if you could buy a car and then never have to worry about it again but the reality is that cars need maintenance and many of your vehicle’s parts will need to be replaced fairly often. Below, we will take a look at those car parts that you need to be really on the ball about changing more often than the rest.

  1. Tyres

Tyres. They grip the road with the tenacity of a toddler clutching the last biscuit, which means they wear out faster than you might think and the same goes for  rubber tracks on diggers and other vehicles too Just like you wouldn’t wear flip-flops in a snowstorm, your car needs the right shoes for the journey. Not only do worn tyres increase your very own ‘slip and slide’ adventure on rainy days, but they could also be secretly plotting your next skid. Award-winning performance? Only if there’s a trophy for the longest unintentional drift.

  1. Brake Pads

Next up are the brake pads, which considering just how important they are for your car safety, are often very neglected. Basically, they’re the behind-the-scenes crew that stops your car from embracing the vehicle ahead in a metal-crunching kiss. Think of them as the introverts of car parts: important, yet often overlooked until they start making their presence known, usually with a squeal louder than a hungry cat at 5 AM.

  1. Battery

The battery is one element of your car that might leave you stranded in the supermarket parking lot with a trunk full of ice cream on the hottest day of the year if you aren’t cafreful. Car batteries have a lifespan akin to that of a smartphone battery; they seem to conk out exactly when you need them most. Check it, or better yet, replace it before it decides to take an untimely retirement.

  1. Oil and Filters

Oil is the lifeblood of your car’s engine, and the filter is its kidney. Neglect them, and you’re effectively signing up for an engine transplant. If you want your motor’s heart to keep pumping like a champ, regular changes are the minimum maintenance mantra.

  1. Lights

Headlights, taillights, and every little bulb in between serve as your automotive communication system. They blink, they flash, and they light up your way like a beacon in the night. They’re also fantastic at playing hide and seek during MOT time, magically dimming or dying at the mere mention of a car inspection.

  1. Windshield Wipers

Last on our list, but not least in annoyance, are windshield wipers. They’re like that one unreliable friend who promises clear vision but leaves unsightly streaks across your windshield whenever you need to see through a downpour.

If you want your car to continue getting you from A to B without any breakdowns or without putting you and other road users in any dangerous situations, then you really do need to think about replacing these parts. Or at least having them checked over, very regularly. Drive afe!